Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day Thirty - A Movie Version of A Blessing by James Wright

We've reached the end of another April. I've tried desperately to keep up as I've posted a new poem or poetry related feature every day this month, but life has gotten in the way a few times. Still, I hope you've enjoyed the new poems, found something fresh in the old poems, and taken insights and questions away from We Convince By Our Presence this year. It is my intention to continue on a for a fifth year in 2012. I will occasionally post new content (probably more of these movie versions of poems) throughout the year. As always, your comments and ideas are greatly appreciated. Here's to the many ways that poetry makes our lives better!


Anonymous said...

Hi, just stumbled across your blog while searching for the text for "A Blessing, " (which for some reason has been echoing in my head all afternoon).

Really enjoyed reading your moving and insightful comments from your earlier post of the poem, and very much look forward to reading through the well as future posts. Just bookmarked your blog!

Matthew A Kaberline said...

Thanks for your kind comments and for reading the blog. Enjoy!

Lois E Hunter said...

Mathew I have spent a most enjoyable wet afternoon reading your blog and thinking. Thank you so much for sharing your poems, your thoughts and your understandings. It was most appreciated.I came across you when I was doing a google search of Tomas Transtromer, who you included in an earlier series, and I then kept browsing. First time I had met Mary Oliver, I shall look for more of her in future as well as another couple I have taken note of.


Matthew A Kaberline said...

Hello Lois,

Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad that you had a chance to peruse some great poetry, including some new favorites!

All the best,

ramblinrose said...


Matthew A Kaberline said...

Thanks, Ramblinrose!